Skincare Essentials for Every Decade

Skincare Essentials for Every Decade

Article Written by : Night Vogue.

When it comes to caring for your skin and looking your beauteous best, you need to make adjustments at different ages. With that in mind, here’s a decade-by-decade breakdown of how to approach smart skin care.

20s: Prevention
Aside from challenges with acne or other chronic conditions, during your 20s it’s likely that you’ll have relatively few hurdles to deal with. But this is just when you need to lay the groundwork for great skin later on. This means using a broad-spectrum sunscreen that filters out both UVA and UVB rays: put it on at least twice a day and don’t rely on your makeup’s sunscreen as your protection, either. And even though this is probably your prime partying decade, make sure you get plenty of sleep, moisturize according to your skin type and exfoliate at least once or twice a week.

30s: Step It Up
Now you’ll start seeing those lines appear, which means you have to step up your protection tactics. According to skin care researchers at Adore Cosmetics, this means never skipping sunscreen, using antioxidant serums with vitamin C and E, moisturizing with prime ingredients like hyaluronic acid and working in peptides into your routine.

40s: Expand
If you’re not already exercising, get started. Not only does this provide overall health benefits, the improved circulation helps your skin. Metabolism slows down in this decade, so diet becomes more important, though skin-friendly foods like salmon, tuna, nuts and other foods with omega-3 fatty acids will also help keep your weight in check. At this point you should have your skincare routine down, so stick to it: washing your face twice a day, sunscreen, moisturizing, using antioxidant serums with retinoids, Vitamin C, and E, etc.

50s: Consult and Consider
With the skincare basics in place, during this decade it’s likely that you’ll be experiencing menopause and should talk over hormonal therapies with your doctor, since these may be beneficial.  Besides your regular over-the-counter cleansers, moisturizers and antioxidant creams, certain prescription medications with retinoids may be needed to handle your aging skin. The temptation at this age could be to try new fads or “miracle meds,” but your experience tells you that it’s best to work with your dermatologist for proven solutions—and you’re right.

60s and 70s: Stay Consistent and Consider
Though more invasive dermatological solutions like fillers, deep peels and even surgery can be options for earlier decades, these concerns can also get your radar screen during these decades. That’s fine—just do your research and try procedures a bit at a time. We’ve all seen celebrities who go overboard, so use your life experience and proceed with strategic caution as you would in other areas of your life. And don’t forget or forego the solid skincare habits from other decades, including the right diet.